Play around MT.Siguniang

"Where are you going for summer vacation?" Cool summer is coming your way~

Without knowing, the summer vacation has arrived.

In this unbearable hot holiday,

you need a cool, refreshing and comfortable place

to release that restless heart.
So dear friends,

pack your bags

and get away from the hustle and bustle to the Mount Siguniang.
Towering old trees,

in the midst of lushness,

send out the most attractive cool.
When you wonder in the primeval forest,

century-old hippophae rhamnoides and Larix potaninii batalin

are there with you.

While spending your summer holiday here,

you will be enlightened!
All kinds of mountain flowers

come to the beautiful full bloom.

By streams and in valleys,

they are like hidden gems.
Enjoying the mountains, water and flowers

will definitely be one of your most unforgettable experiences.
Escape from the comfort zone and mundane life,

unload your fatigue of a semester,

and come here with your friends.
