Play around MT.Siguniang

While you're happy | go to fun places with lovely people

Most of the time,

we don't know how much we like someone,

but when we want to see that person,

we will certainly run to see them.

Hope we can all have the love that one would forget about themselves.
The Mount Siguniang in summer is charming.

Every time it rains,

there is a beautiful rainbow in the sky.

After the rain,

white clouds would float in the clear sky, changing endlessly.
I like walking on the path of the Mount Siguniang.

Life is like a movie. Write your own ending,

keep your faith and try to play your role.

What you see, remember and understand

depend on where you stand.
In the scorching summer,

towering snow mountains loom in the mist.
Eat tasty food,

Spend time with lovely people

and go to interesting places with them.
Life is a journey full of the mysteries.

If it’s possible,

I really want to travel with you all the time,

embrace you with passion,

and enjoy the beautiful summer scenery of the Mount Siguniang.