Play around MT.Siguniang

Cordyceps Sinensis

       As recorded in A Supplement to Compendium of Materia Medica, cordyceps sinensis, originated from Hualinping, Jiangyou County, Sichuan Province, is grass in summer and insect in winter, which is a little more than three cun in length. Appearing like a silkworm, it is used as medicine. Cordyceps sinensis is a traditional and precious Chinese tonic and is one of the top three tonic herbs, along with natural ginseng and pilose antler. Cordyceps sinensis has the functions of regulating the immune system, anti-tumor, anti-fatigue and other effects. Besides, it is mild in nature, edible all the year round, suitable for the old, the young, the sick, the weak and the deficient. It has more extensive medicinal value than other kinds of tonic.