outdoor activities

Safety must know

       A. Whether self-help or group tour, if you want to save time and money, you can join the tour group.

       B. Siguniang mountain area is a high altitude area. The sea level of accommodation is about 3200 meters in Siguniangshan town. Generally, people have different degrees of mountain reaction. Therefore, it is not suitable to take strenuous exercise, drink less and eat more vegetables and fruits to prevent mountain reaction. It is better to prepare common drugs and anti Alpine drugs.
       C. It is not suitable for old and weak people with hypertension, coronary heart disease and heart disease.

       D. Take good care of the health and ecological environment of the scenic area, and pay attention to fireworks.

       E. The scenic spot has strong sunshine and strong ultraviolet rays. If you are outdoors for a long time, please wear a sun cap and apply sunscreen to protect your skin.
       F. There is a big temperature difference between day and night in the scenic area. Please bring enough warm and cold proof clothes and prepare common medicines.

       G. Take good care of the plants and trees in the scenic area, pay attention to the environmental protection of the scenic area, obey the safety of the management personnel, and contact the management personnel in time if there is any difficulty.

       H. The riding time is long in the scenic spot, so you should choose the right horse and saddle, pay attention to safety and follow the guidance of service personnel.
       1. In winter, you should wear anti-skid ripple strips, drive double flash, don't turn on high beam, don't occupy the road, honk your horn frequently, and don't drive fast on ice and snow road.

       J. If you are fond of photography and mountaineering, please take relevant equipment and pay attention to keep warm outdoors.
       K. Siguniang mountain is suitable for mountaineering, crossing, camping, hiking and other outdoor tourism. Please make corresponding preparations and make detailed itinerary planning before going out. After arriving at the scenic spot, please go through the corresponding outdoor activity registration procedures in the outdoor activity management center. The money is not much, but it can save your life when it is critical.
       L、The best time to visit: the three gullies in Siguniang mountain have their own characteristics and are worth visiting; 5-9 is the flowering period, with abundant Alpine flowers; October to December is the colorful forest period, with a rich sense of color hierarchy; 12-5 is the ice and snow period, sunny days and "Rizhao Jinshan" and cloud sea are very spectacular and the occurrence rate is very high. "Seeing four seasons in one day and traveling in four seasons all year round" is a true portrayal of the tourist landscape of Siguniang mountain.

       M、During the period of "May 1st" and "10th 1st" every year, there are many tourists. The hotel is full and the price is high. You can take tents and corresponding equipment to changpinggou scenic spot and Haizigou to camp, which not only saves costs, but also can experience the special flavor of Siguniang mountain.
       N 、There is no place to eat in sanchangping ditch and Haizi ditch of Siguniang mountain. Please see your own dry food.